Senin, 09 Januari 2012

dIRECT-sENSING sERVICES Electrical Conductivity, MIP and FFD

The number of direct-sensing technologies available to direct-push units has greatly increased in the last 10 years. S2C2 can now provide direct sensing services to determine chlorinated and non chlorinated VOCs and aromatic petroleum hydrocarbon impacts coupled with continuous soil lithology data. Direct-sensing requires competent proven operators and analysts to generate high quality data.
 The experience and technological know-how gained through thousands of feet of direct-sensing sampling has been extremely valuable in interpreting data.  Pattern recognition is a key component to interpreting direct-sensing data.  Because of this experience S2C2 has been successful at mapping historic fill/native interfaces, confining units, potential contaminant preferential pathways, and metals contamination  at numerous sites throughout the urban Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states.
All of S2C2’s direct-push units are capable of pushing the MIP®, FFD or Conductivity probes. Whether it requires a track mounted Geoprobe® 6620DT, a truck mounted Geoprobe® 6600 or 5410, or an ATV Bobcat® with Geoprobe®, S2C2 has the experience and tools to finish the job on-time in a variety of site conditions.
Advantages of Direct Sensing
Obtain rapid VOC, Petroleum and lithologic information
Provide “Real-Time” displays of depth, conductivity, and speed
Determine thickness and lateral extent of lithologic units
Limited soil sampling required to confirm log response
No drill cuttings
Construct detailed geologic cross sections
Locate appropriate lateral and vertical placement of wells
Target zones for injection of HRC®,ORC®, etc.
Conductivity readings collected 20/secondfinish the job on-time in a variety of site conditions.

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monggo ojo lali komentare yow Kang hehehehe